Zero-Width Characters and Privacy Protection

Zero-width characters are special types of characters that occupy space in text but do not display any visible symbol. They are often used in encryption and steganography to hide information or mark parts of text without affecting the appearance of the text itself.

Types of Zero-Width Characters:

  • Zero-Width Space (ZWSP): The most common zero-width character, often used for hiding information in text. It can be inserted without altering the readability of the text.
  • Zero-Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ): Used to prevent the joining of characters, common in languages like Arabic and Persian.
  • Zero-Width Joiner (ZWJ): Forces characters to join, used in certain writing systems to combine letters.
  • Zero-Width Non-Breaking Space (ZWNBSP): Prevents line breaks at a specific point in the text.

Applications of Zero-Width Characters:

Because of their invisibility, zero-width characters are important in various applications, especially in encryption and steganography:

  • Steganography: Zero-width characters are commonly used in steganography to hide messages within regular text, making the information invisible to the naked eye but retrievable through specialized tools.
  • Encryption: Zero-width characters can be used to encrypt data, embedding encrypted content within regular text, ensuring that only those with the decryption key can extract the information.
  • Tracking Prevention: Zero-width characters are used to hide metadata or tracking information, especially in online forms or content to prevent surveillance.

Zero-Width Characters and Privacy Protection:

In today’s digital age, privacy and security are critical concerns. Zero-width characters offer an effective and hidden method to protect sensitive information. By embedding data in plain text, zero-width characters allow for secure communication without revealing the information to unauthorized users. and Zero-Width Character Encryption

If you are interested in exploring the use of zero-width characters, provides a related feature that allows users to encrypt messages using zero-width characters. You can create a note, encrypt it with zero-width characters, and generate a link to share it with others. Only the person with the correct decryption password will be able to view the original message.

How works

Additionally, allows users to choose other encryption methods and provides a self-destruct feature to ensure that messages are automatically destroyed after being read, preventing any potential leakage. If you're interested in trying out this encryption method, you can experience the functionality provided by to keep your information safe and secure.